• 1 Register
  • 2 Entries
  • 3 Items
  • 4 Review
  • 5 Pay
  • 6 Confirm
  • 7 Finish
Welcome to the Alachua County Youth Fair & Livestock Show registration and instructions:
Please Go to ACYFLS.com and find the Emergency Card Form, fill it out and save it so that you can download it to your entries when prompted by Showorks.
1. Select Sign-in and choose Passport, this will save your information and it can be used to send text and emails to you and save your information for future shows. Once that is complete Sign out of Passport and choose Home at the top right of the screen.
2. Now choose the register bubble at the top right of the screen, fill in the information, check the information and continue.
3. Choose the Department, Livestock for registration of Animals, Non-Livestock for registration of exhibits. Click on the Division that you want to enter.
4. Complete the information requested for each entry, then continue to Add Entry to the Cart, at this point wyou will be directed to fill out and add a form, this is your EMERGENCY CARD information that you saved earlier. Choose the form and UPLOAD. Once that is complete you will be prompted to ADD Entry to Cart again.
5. You will now have a choice to ADD More Entries, Empty the Cart, Save for Later or Check Out.
6. Check out will take you to the payment section, fill in your information then confirm. Make sure that you save the confirmation to show as proof at Weigh-in/Tag-in or final check in at the fair that you have paid for your entry and have an entry in the fair.
Livestock Entries
Pamela Carter                                    
Non-Livestock Entries
Mary Lee Sales